Today I read parts of a
Wikipedia document on the Iraq Iran War, I read the subsection Aftermath and I also read the introduction to the article, these articles are written and changed by many readers. This article enlightened me on war history in these countries, and taught me many important lessons. The first thing I learned which was not directly implied in the article, this was that these countries are far more
technologically advanced than I thought. I learned that they fought with weapons
similar to World War II and from what it sounds like using many weapons that were ahead of their time, who knew! One lesson I came out of the text was, it is not
necessarily who wins the actual war, it is who benefits from it the most. Although no borders were changed and not a whole lot was gained on the surface, there were ways
both countries benefited. For example Islam gained supporters and power due to the awful war.
Another lesson illustrated to the reader in the sub section Aftermath was, people or countries even somewhat involved in a conflict, always get effected indirectly or directly when the conflict escalates. This is shown by the fact that this war caused all the countries in the modern world, who are
dependent on these two countries crud oil supplies, had to have to pay more for their oil. They had to pay more because many oil outputs were
disruptted or
destroyed by the turmoil. In the end some
people support war while others despise it, either way war is a part of all of our lives and their is no way to avoid it, so we must see past the negatives and attempt to create a spark of hope out of the
toughest of times!
"Iran-Iraq War." Wikipedia. 15 Mar 2009
. "Aftermath."
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