Wednesday, February 25, 2009

QT. 3 Outside Reading EIGHT

This week i read an article in the Star Tribune titled North Dakota family says US journalist is detained in Iran after buying a bottle of wine this article was written by Dave Kolpack. After reading this article I was in shock at how different cultures or countries can have such different moral systems and laws. The difference in morals was illustrated when the government just arrested the girl with no warning or backup evidence. Difference in morals was also shown because the girl could only contact her parents once and the jail also promised she would only be there for two days, it now has been ten. This article just makes me wonder why other countries do not guarantee the same rights to people as our country does. It also made me wonder how can people still be treated like this, when it is 2009 and we have come such a long way, why have the other countries not. I feel as if there is something i should do to close the cultural gap between the United States and not just Iran, but all third world countries. One thing I believe i could personally do to narrow the gap would be to write to my senator to rally for more education and assisting in setting up inforstructure in third world countries. Something needs to happen and fast before countries like Iran, either fall completely off the global map and work themselves into total devastation, or before they begin arresting everyone who is from another nation.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Qt. 3 Outside Reading SEVEN

Today I read a short story in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II titled My Angel Has a Halo by Amanda Johnson. This story illustrated change because Amanda's boyfriend got in a skateboard accident and broke his neck. As a result he had to wear a neck brace and could not drive or do many things he was accustom to. This change illustrated many important lessons to the reader, one of them being that change can scare people. Amanda's intial reaction was to cry and feel sorry for herself. This shows the reader also that being scared of change is normal. Everyone goes through times when they are scared of things beign different, but you also must grow past that stage. Her growing and maturing was illustrated when she realized how selfish she was to feel bad for herself, and as result she went to the hosptal and cared for her boyfreind. Her caring demonstarted anohter next lesson to the reader, that change matures people. In the end the reader is moved by her responsible and adpatiabilty. This story personally taught me all the lessons previously mentioned and it also taught me that even a bad change, can bring forth good change in character and matuarity.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

QT. 3 Outside Reading SIX

Today I read a short story in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II title Hero of the 'Hood by Paula Mcdonald. This story provided and showed hope in multiple ways. One way hope was illustrated is the fact that the main character of the story Mike, pushed through all the odds of having no money, love, or support to raise a family of children. Mike was barely eight when he began caring for his multiple brothers and sisters. He had to care for them because his parents were ex-cons and addicted to many drugs. The caring Mike did illustrates hope because he fought all the odds to raise mature responsible young adults. Another was hope was illustrated in this story was the fact that Mike and all his brothers and sisters stayed out of the streets and lived lives that were pure, and not full of hustling and drug dealing. It would have been so easy for all them to just give up and follow their parents awful example, but they did not. This showed the reader hope for 'hoods around the world. It made me hopeful that one day we will live in a country with no gang violence or people waisting their lives away on drug addictions that steal everything the addict. This story was very heavy and emotional but after reading it, I got a strong sense of hope.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

QT. 3 Outside Reading FIVE

This week I read a short story called "Thank You, Jesus," by an anonymous writer. This story was about a woman who was grumpy from holiday shopping and while on one of her many Christmas shopping trips, encountered a little boy who did not have enough money to buy this toy. The woman ended up asking the boy why he wanted to buy this toy and he said because his sister was with Jesus and she wanted this toy for Christmas but couldn't buy it. The boy later on went to explain that his mom needed to be with his sister in heaven and was going to bring the toy and he prayed for enough money for the toy and a white rose for his mom to take with her. The woman gave the boy the money. From that day on the woman went about life and the Christmas season with much more cheer. This story taught me many important lessons, including the importance of believing in your religion or higher power, and always staying faithful. Because this boy was faithful and had honest good intentions for wanting the money, he got the money. I also think this article shows how people should be more grateful for what they have. This woman had enough money to buy a bunch of toys but this boy did not even have enough to buy one, but this boy was more positive and grateful than this woman. Also this story also illustrated how important it is to be compassionate and care for others, this woman stopped and cared enough to ask what was wrong with this boy, and in return she got to allow a little boy to give his mom his last gift, and change a life. In the end this story was very sad and moving. It taught me to never stop believing, always be grateful, and that a little compassion goes a long way!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Qt. 3 Outside Reaidng FOUR

Today I read an article from the New York Times titled a Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles by M.P. Dunleavey. This article discussed how a writer for the Times is the "breadwinner" in her family while her husband stays home, and cares for their young baby. I think this was an interesting article because it illustrated a couple good points, one of them being how much society has changed. The article discussed how her situation was like a flipped episode of "Father knows best." I think it is really cool how woman now are able to go to work and earn legitimate wages and are not just stay at home wives any longer. This article also illustrated how men take a sense of pride in being the soul provider of a family. Men have a natural wanting to be the person who is the "hero" of the family and keeping everyone safe and healthy with the money they earn at job. I think that it takes a special man to step back and say his role isn't what it has traditionally been thought to be, the man should be the breadwinner and the woman should care for the family. This article showed me just how awesome but rare it is that a man is willing to care for his child and allow his wife to go off to work and be the sole provider for the family. In conclusion this was an opening inside perspective on gender roles practically flipped.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Qt. 3 Outside Reading THREE

This week I read a short story in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II titled The Porcelain Bride Doll by Marsha Arons. This story was about how a Jewish girl who would play with her non-Jewish Friend, Katy and they would play pretend wedding with Marsha's Bride doll. One day her friend said, something about how she was one day going to be a beautiful bride like the doll and Marsha said me too but then her friend replied, "Don't be silly. You'll never look like her. You look to Jewish," (Arons, 240). This quote represents how sometimes different religions can be like different cultures and often the difference causes slurs and hatefulness. Her freind Katy flat out said Jewish woman are not as pretty as others and do not make pretty brides. This story also illustrated the differences of morals that can be shown by people from different culture's or religions, Marsha's mother taught her too be strong and not to let things like this affect. I believe she taught her this because her mother probably had many slurs yelled at her and had to grow strong in her childhood. I believe her friend Katy thought it was okay because her parents say things like this because they can not expect people other peoples culture, because her parents probably grew up as a majority religion and have not felt the pain a slur like this can cause. This story preaches just how painful slurs and comments about other peoples cultures can hurt, and should be kept to oneself.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Qt.3 Outside Reading TWO

Today I read a short story in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II called Good Night Dad by Luken Grace. The struggle in this story was about a boy who lost his dad the night before he could not bring himself to telll his dad he loved him, but really wanted to and instead said goodnight dad. Lucken has to now live the rest of his life with the regret of not saying I love you to his dad. I think that in time Lucken allowed himself to not be angry about not saying I love you too his dad because he realized life is not about what you say it is about how you act. This story really instrated the idea that actions speak louder than words. Lucken always helped his dad, told him he was the coolest guy he knew, and loved to hang out with him more than his friends. I think through those actions he expressed his love for his dad. Also to overcome soemthing as tragic as the death of his dad Lucken had to stay close with the people he did have in his life, and remeber the good times he had with his dad. In the end of the story Lucken said his dad was now in heaven with God, showing that he had a higher power to lean on, he also said to his brother God wanted dad with him and basically that the two of them should not be angry about that. The death of his dad was tragic but Lucken ajusted his life and had eventually had to forgive himself for not saying I love you the night before he died. In conclusion this story illustrated a few good points to me, actions speak louder than words, and to lean on others in time of need.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

QT.3 Outside Reading ONE

I read an article about a natural disaster on, the title of the article was Record-breaking heat wave drives wildfires, heat-stress illness across southern Australia. It was about a heat wave in Australia that lead to many wild fires. There was more than 20 houses destroyed and thousands lost power. There was also people dying from the heat being so hot, heat stress. The temperatures were above 109 degrees Celsius. The purpose of this article was to inform people of dangers in other Countries and to encourage others to potentially help with the fight against the heat wave. This article was also very informative and taught me a lot about heat waves, I learned that in order to fight heat related illnesses you must drink excess amounts of waters.