Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Qt. 2 Outside Reading One

Today i read an article titled Obama's Grandmother's Final Gift: Her Vote this was by Stephen M. Silverman. This article was about how his grandmother voted absentee only two days before the actual election day. After she voted absentee she passed away, but her vote still counted. Her vote still counted because it counts unless the government receives the death certificate before election day, which they did not. I believe this article also illustrates that you never know the last thing you are going to get to say or do. Illustrating this point you should always do what you believe in and never regret anything, stick to what you think is right. She believed in Obama and got to live her whole life supporting him. Obama stated his Grandmother would be very proud of his win. This article showed me life is short and always to do what you believe in. 

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