Friday, October 31, 2008

Outside Reading #8

This week I read an article titled Obama Jokes About Halloween: 'I'm Gonna Be a Pumpkin' by Kirsten Mascia. This article was about how hectic it is to be a presdeintal candidate. I think the deeper meaning of this article is that life isn't easy for others, and even though we might judge them we should put our self in their shoes. A lot of people say hurtful things about not only Baraack but other celebrities and just people in general before they truly know that person. I think that after reading this article i will try to put myself in other peoples shoes before i say something or make fun of them. I believe this is an important lesson to learn, and everyone needs to learn it even if it may be a hard way to learn it. A hard way to learn this lesson would be to be on the opposite end of a rumor, have people saying things about you. In conclusion this article may not have directly stated not to judge people, but i believe that was the meaning when you look further down.

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