Friday, October 31, 2008
Outside Reading #8
This week I read an article titled Obama Jokes About Halloween: 'I'm Gonna Be a Pumpkin' by Kirsten Mascia. This article was about how hectic it is to be a presdeintal candidate. I think the deeper meaning of this article is that life isn't easy for others, and even though we might judge them we should put our self in their shoes. A lot of people say hurtful things about not only Baraack but other celebrities and just people in general before they truly know that person. I think that after reading this article i will try to put myself in other peoples shoes before i say something or make fun of them. I believe this is an important lesson to learn, and everyone needs to learn it even if it may be a hard way to learn it. A hard way to learn this lesson would be to be on the opposite end of a rumor, have people saying things about you. In conclusion this article may not have directly stated not to judge people, but i believe that was the meaning when you look further down.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Outside Reading #7
Today i read an article titled Angelina Jolie Sees 'Real Suffering' in Afghanistan by Mary Green i found this article in People Magazine. I think the thesis of this article is that a celebrity can be a powerful role-model. With their star power celebrities have not only a lot of influence on teenagers but also adults. Their influence can be either negative or positive, in Angelina's case it is a positive amazing role-model for helping around the world. Angelina not only influences people to donate money to third world countries but to be passionate in what you believe no matter what people say. With all the influence celebrities have comes a lot of responsibility, that celebrities often abuse. I believe that if celebrities all chose to be more like Angelina Jolie than teenagers and young adults would make wiser choices.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I have been reading the book Carrie by Stephen King. It is a very good book, but sometimes challenging. So far in the book Carrie is at a rough patch, she only has two friends and is very lonely. Her mom is very mean and hurts her dailey. Kids at school are also very mean to her, they always bully her. She has had to go home in the middle of the school day, because kids were teasing her so horribly. But even when she comes her mom is mean to her. Carrie has no where to escape from those who judge her. She is very depressed and seems suicidal. I predict that she may commit suicide or need to go to rehab for depression. I hope she seeks treatment or medication. I love this book and am very anxious to find out what happens next.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Teenage Heroes

Mary Brown is a hero at the age of fourteen. Her and her sister have began their own organization called: Kids Wanna Help. Her organization gives money to kids who are sick with many diseases, including Leukemia. The brown sisters have already raised $11,000 dollars for Pediatric Leukemia.
Jeremy Herbert is a young hero, who started his own group called Young Educated Young Males Against Drugs and Violence. Herbert created this group, after his mother committed suicide. Also this group was formed to help create positive role models for younger students in his community.

The Teenage Ninja Turtles are hero's who fight evil and keep the world safe one day at time. These heroes can be found in comic book form, or on their very own television show.
Poem about teenage Heroes:
A poem about young heroes at war:
Forward they go into battle.They kiss their loved ones good-bye.Bravely they go; battle gear on,Tears swimming in every eye.Most are eighteen, nineteen or twenty,So young to be going to war.Hearts are beating so rapid... And fear grips them right to the core.Where is this place called Iraq?Some never knew till this day;And what are we going to do When we reach this land far away?Many remember in childhood...Ali Babba and Forty Thieves.When mother would read this story..It was Baghdad and make believe.Now it's a place they go to...From which they may not come back.No more a make believe land.This place that is called Iraq.They know in their hearts the reason Their country is sending them here.It's freedom for down trodden people;Ruled by a tyrant they fear.Suddenly they are landed In a great desert land so vast.It is then the soldier takes over...And the child is left in the past.Why is it the young we forfeit?They are strong, devoted and true.Forward they go where commanded;To fight for the Red White and Blue.They must keep the hounds at bay.So they never can come to our shore.They must rid Iraq of the tyrant;So that he cannot kill anymore.Suddenly! Fear grips them again,When shots are fired. Not their own.It's real! I'm here in a war.I may die here and never go home.This is not a war game they play.These are not pop guns they hold.This is a kill or be killed war.Don't hesitate; they have been told.They fall on their bellies in foxholes.Guns are held up much higher.Sand fills their nose and their eyes,But their guns must be clean to fire.The thunderous sound of the bombings,That never seem to decrease.Civilians surrender, hands held high Waving a white flag of peace. From the land of the free they come.To a nation across the sea.A desert place of sand and oil,And people who want to be free. They have not come to conquer or pillage.They have come with one thought in mind.To bring an end to a tyrant's rule,And all others like him, of his kind.Who thinks this war is illegal?They're the one's who are already free.They have not suffered injustice.Nor neither have you nor me.We are giving the pride of our nation.Young men and women so brave.Heroes we send and heroes will die, For another nation to save. Their young hearts learn very soon;They must bury the child inside.They hear their buddies cry mama Screaming in pain as they died.Thank God for the brave coalition...Who fight for the right by our side.Shame on those who refused to help.Now go hang your heads down and hide.We will be the ones victorious.We won't need any help from you.May Allah protect you when we relent,When you find yourself in a stew. God bless and take care of our children.These brave young soldiers who cry. May they never doubt for a moment,The reason they're here and the why. --- Copyright © 2003 Carol Bouche' Ottlinger
Song Lyrics About Young Heroes:
Tender Young Hero lyrics(Lawrence Gowan)
You had the secret everybody envied
That many'd try to find but come up empty
Yeah, you make it easy
Or that's the way you make it seem
So for a day we'll let you
Live out all our dreams
Yeah - This is your big scene
Tender Young Hero
Up from zero
Take a look around
Shouldn't be too long
Unless I'm dead wrong
You'll be shot back down
Well for a while you seemed to act real humble
Then one by one we saw those virtues crumble
You'd snap your fingers
And everyone would start to crawl
Soon you'll be asking
"What's the meaning of it all"
Yeah - Then look out for that fall
Tender Young Hero
Up from zero
Take a look around
Shouldn't be too long
Unless I'm dead wrong
You'll be shot back down
Turning the world on
With a passion
That's the life you've found
Tender Young Hero
Bound for zero
You'll be shot back down
So soon that famous face
Will fade forever, will fall from grace
So don't be fooled
Forget your pride
Don't lose your soul
Tender Young Hero
Up from zero
Take a look around
Shouldn't be too long
Unless I'm dead wrong
You'll be shot back down
Turning the world on
With a passion
That's the life you've found
Tender Young Hero
Bound for zero
You'll be shot back down
Tender Young Hero
Tender Young Hero
Tender Young Hero
Tender Young Hero
Tender Young Hero
Tender Young Hero
From all the types of information about teenage heroes, I found people do not expect much out of teenagers, but they can be the most unlikely heroes. Teenage heroes fly under the radder and do not seem like a group so courageous as they are. Teenagers give back to their communities in settle but important ways. Without teenagers doing all the work they do, the world would have trouble functioning. A hero is inside all of us, admits in every room, and sometimes very unlikely.

Mary Brown is a hero at the age of fourteen. Her and her sister have began their own organization called: Kids Wanna Help. Her organization gives money to kids who are sick with many diseases, including Leukemia. The brown sisters have already raised $11,000 dollars for Pediatric Leukemia.

The Teenage Ninja Turtles are hero's who fight evil and keep the world safe one day at time. These heroes can be found in comic book form, or on their very own television show.
Poem about teenage Heroes:
A poem about young heroes at war:
Forward they go into battle.They kiss their loved ones good-bye.Bravely they go; battle gear on,Tears swimming in every eye.Most are eighteen, nineteen or twenty,So young to be going to war.Hearts are beating so rapid... And fear grips them right to the core.Where is this place called Iraq?Some never knew till this day;And what are we going to do When we reach this land far away?Many remember in childhood...Ali Babba and Forty Thieves.When mother would read this story..It was Baghdad and make believe.Now it's a place they go to...From which they may not come back.No more a make believe land.This place that is called Iraq.They know in their hearts the reason Their country is sending them here.It's freedom for down trodden people;Ruled by a tyrant they fear.Suddenly they are landed In a great desert land so vast.It is then the soldier takes over...And the child is left in the past.Why is it the young we forfeit?They are strong, devoted and true.Forward they go where commanded;To fight for the Red White and Blue.They must keep the hounds at bay.So they never can come to our shore.They must rid Iraq of the tyrant;So that he cannot kill anymore.Suddenly! Fear grips them again,When shots are fired. Not their own.It's real! I'm here in a war.I may die here and never go home.This is not a war game they play.These are not pop guns they hold.This is a kill or be killed war.Don't hesitate; they have been told.They fall on their bellies in foxholes.Guns are held up much higher.Sand fills their nose and their eyes,But their guns must be clean to fire.The thunderous sound of the bombings,That never seem to decrease.Civilians surrender, hands held high Waving a white flag of peace. From the land of the free they come.To a nation across the sea.A desert place of sand and oil,And people who want to be free. They have not come to conquer or pillage.They have come with one thought in mind.To bring an end to a tyrant's rule,And all others like him, of his kind.Who thinks this war is illegal?They're the one's who are already free.They have not suffered injustice.Nor neither have you nor me.We are giving the pride of our nation.Young men and women so brave.Heroes we send and heroes will die, For another nation to save. Their young hearts learn very soon;They must bury the child inside.They hear their buddies cry mama Screaming in pain as they died.Thank God for the brave coalition...Who fight for the right by our side.Shame on those who refused to help.Now go hang your heads down and hide.We will be the ones victorious.We won't need any help from you.May Allah protect you when we relent,When you find yourself in a stew. God bless and take care of our children.These brave young soldiers who cry. May they never doubt for a moment,The reason they're here and the why. --- Copyright © 2003 Carol Bouche' Ottlinger
Song Lyrics About Young Heroes:
Tender Young Hero lyrics(Lawrence Gowan)
You had the secret everybody envied
That many'd try to find but come up empty
Yeah, you make it easy
Or that's the way you make it seem
So for a day we'll let you
Live out all our dreams
Yeah - This is your big scene
Tender Young Hero
Up from zero
Take a look around
Shouldn't be too long
Unless I'm dead wrong
You'll be shot back down
Well for a while you seemed to act real humble
Then one by one we saw those virtues crumble
You'd snap your fingers
And everyone would start to crawl
Soon you'll be asking
"What's the meaning of it all"
Yeah - Then look out for that fall
Tender Young Hero
Up from zero
Take a look around
Shouldn't be too long
Unless I'm dead wrong
You'll be shot back down
Turning the world on
With a passion
That's the life you've found
Tender Young Hero
Bound for zero
You'll be shot back down
So soon that famous face
Will fade forever, will fall from grace
So don't be fooled
Forget your pride
Don't lose your soul
Tender Young Hero
Up from zero
Take a look around
Shouldn't be too long
Unless I'm dead wrong
You'll be shot back down
Turning the world on
With a passion
That's the life you've found
Tender Young Hero
Bound for zero
You'll be shot back down
Tender Young Hero
Tender Young Hero
Tender Young Hero
Tender Young Hero
Tender Young Hero
Tender Young Hero
From all the types of information about teenage heroes, I found people do not expect much out of teenagers, but they can be the most unlikely heroes. Teenage heroes fly under the radder and do not seem like a group so courageous as they are. Teenagers give back to their communities in settle but important ways. Without teenagers doing all the work they do, the world would have trouble functioning. A hero is inside all of us, admits in every room, and sometimes very unlikely.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Outside #5
Today i read another chapter in the book Gossip Girl by Cecily Von Ziegesar. I believe the message of this chapter was don't do anything or say anything you wouldn't want someone else to hear. I believe this is the message because when Serena returned home Blaire was embarrassed that she was dating her ex-boyfriend Nate, and never told Serena. Blaire should have told Serena and because she did not, she potentially ended their friendship. This message was not only true for the book, it can be applied multiple ways to everyday life. One example is if a student thought a teacher was "mean" and said it to a friend's parent, and the parent told the teacher then the student would be punished and also embarrassed. The book gossip girl is not only a very interesting book, but also a book with many important life lessons.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Outside Reading #5
Today I read an article in the Star Tribune titled "OJ Simpson jurors say hours of secret recordings played a key role in armed robbery conviction" this article was written by Linda Deutsch. This article illustrates the lessons of Karma, and the importance of telling the truth. Karma is the idea that whatever you do, will come back to haunt you. In this article it is made apparent that the Jury believes OJ killed his wife in 1995, and now that is the reason he was guilty and is going to jail for armed robbery. This article illustrates that you cannot run from the past and if you do something wrong you should admit to it and fix it. If OJ would have come clean about really happened in 1995 and was not so shady he would not be dealing with going to court again, and going to jail. Karma will always follow OJ and he will never have an easy life because of all the lies he told and for allegedly killing his wife. He also would have never had to steal money if he had never been guilty of murder in small claims court, again illustrating the ideas of Karma. This article has taught me to always ask responsibly and think about the future before i act, karma is ruthless.
Outside Reading #4
This week I read another chapter in the book Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar. For my response i am going to pick a quote and comment on it's significance, and the lessons it illustrates. The quote is, "Gossiping and idle chat were amusing, but not at the expense of an old friend" (12). This quote illustrates many important life lessons, one of them being be loyal to friends. As fun as it may be to talk about someone think about how much you have been through with that person, and how gossiping isn't worth jeopardizing your relationship with them. Another lesson this quote teaches is that everyone gossips and it can be amusing. Gossiping is just something for people who are jealous and bored to say about you. If someone says something remember to just brush it off, don't get your feelings hurt. This book and quote teach many important lessons that can be applied to everyday life, especially lessons learned about gossiping.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Outside Reading #3
Today i read the first chapter in the book Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar. I am going to respond to the first chapter by pretend write an email to the author.
Dear Cecily Von Ziegesar,
Although i am well aware that i bought this book from the fiction section of Barns and Noble, I kept thinking how real it felt. The detail is unbelievable, and led me too believe maybe some of this is half or partly true. Was some of this book inspired by true life events, things that happened to you in high school? I also know this book is written partly by Gossip Girl, will i ever find out who she is? I wonder this because even in the first chapter it is obvious she knows so much about these peoples lives, but how, she must be a character and I am dying to know which one. I would love to know more about you and how you became inspired to write this book. I am so curious as to how you came up with all the families and all the drama, very creative. It is only the first chapter and i can't wait to read more. Your book is amazing and so real, write back!
Julia M
Outside Reading #2
This week i read an article titled "Obama asked about help for struggling families during tour of Ohio neighborhood" in the Star Tribune, the author of this article was Christopher Willis. This article was about how Obama plans to help the little man. First I believe this is true because, he went to a town where homes were described as, "ranch-style and split-level," he did not make a trip to Beverly Hills or rich communities, he stopped to get opinions of less fortunate people. Also i believe he plans to help the little man because after taking government class i learned democrats believe in raising taxes to aid the poor, and Barack Obama is democratic. Another reason i believe this article was about him helping less wealthy is because he went directly to the people that were struggling, he sought them out instead of them asking him he asked them. Him seeking the poor and struggling illustrated how much he cares about their future. Lastly i believe Obama is helping the poor because he stated that meeting these people helped prepare him for his debate. If these people helped to prepare Obama, this means he is going to take their ideas and the thoughts of aid for the struggling, and use them as platforms for his campaign.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Outside Reading #1
This week i read an Article in Zephyrus titled The 5 Manliest and Girliest Things, this article was written by Tony Quattrini. This article stated that the five manliest things are fighting, hair, grilling, lumberjacks, and stealing. The five girliest things were tight jeans, feelings, high voices, Disney Channel, and the color pink. As i read i decided I agree with all the manly things, and think this list is on point for the men because a mann wrote it. On the other hand i thought the girl list was a little off and way more generic, and this i believe is because again a man wrote the article. This article was fun interesting and kept me in tuned the entire time, i love to read Zephyrus.
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