Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Outside Reading Blog SIX
Today I am further along in the novel Eclipse. I am starting to like Eclipse a lot less because now Jacob is interfering with the love between Edward and Bella. He keeps trying to steal Bella, and he is teasing and taunting her into kissing him, against her will. All this mess with Jacob is mixing with Bella's feelings for Edward, and this upsets me because Edward is my favorite character and he belongs with Bella, not gross werewolf Jacob. This time reminds me of choosing between hanging out with two good friends who do not get along, but you like them both for different reasons. Although Bella traditionally believed she only liked Jacob as a friend she is questioning this, this would be much like if one friend asked you to hang out with them after the first friend but they have more fun plans, so you want to hang out with them even though you shouldn't. This creates a problem for you, much like Bella although it is tempting to choose the person who asked you second you know it is right to go with the first and you love the first almost more but in a different way, this is exactly the same for Bella. She knows that a life with Jacob would be easier than with Edward but her heart belongs to Edward and she is obligated to stay with him. I really hope from the bottom of my heart that she chooses Edward. Although Twilight is a series about vampires and werewolves and totally irrational things, it is widely similar to situations and conflicts all of us face everyday.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Outside Reading Blog FIVE
I am now finished with the novel New Moon and am reading the sequel Eclipse. This book is far better than New Moon. I am enjoying the novel because it is rekindling the love between Edward and Bella right now. I am learning multiple important lessons from the book, one of them including never take anything for granted. The two are cherishing all the time they now have together and are not waisting any of it. They have learned from the past and are now more than ever irrevocably in love with each other. Edward now is willing to take more physical chances with Bella because he knows he would never let anything happen to her, and knows that he must follow what he wants, otherwise it he would be lying to his heart. Another moral that is developing in the new book is honesty is the best policy. The two are now always sharing their feelings and Edward knows he can not lie to Bella because it almost killed her the last time he did. He never wants her to feel rejected again, and Bella will never lie to Edward because she can not hurt him, and frankly she is a bad at lying. I am so happy the two are back together, I am enjoying every moment of it and hope nothing will ever come between the two again.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Outside Reading Blog FOUR
Today I got even further in the novel New Moon, I am almost done. The novel finally got happier! Edward and Bella are reunited at last! Edward was about to commit suicide because he thought Bella was dead. This teaches the reader an important lesson, Edward thought he knew Bella was dead, but never confirmed it with anyone, it was almost like a rumor. Edward followed the rumor or believed it, and almost tried to kill himself, until Bella saved him. But now because of Edwards actions Bella, Edward and Alice are all stuck in the Volteria's palace and their fate is undecided, they could very well kill the three! No good ever comes from believing rumors and that is truly a message in the last couple of chapters. The reunion between the two is undoubtedly the happiest moment of the book, although their fate it still up in the air. The reunion reminds me of when you see an old friend for the first time in a very long time. A feeling of comfort and security washes over you despite all other complications or troubles that might be occurring in your life at the time. I am extremely nervous to learn what happens to the two lovers and if they end up alive, and if so do they stay together, and what will happen to Alice. It is defiantly at a cliff-hanger right now!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sunday Blog FOUR
A group of nontoplets weighed only a decigram, I was sad but then I looked into their decagon shaped eyes and was filled with delight. Only at ten then did the nontoplets go to tenth street and pen and played with the chemical decane.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Outside Reading Blog THREE
I am now on the sequel to Twilight, New Moon. In the book so far it has been very tragic. Edward has left Bella and she feels empty inside, i can very much relate to this kind of tragedy. Someone I love, my Grandpa passed away when I was only in fifth grade. I missed him so much and felt sorrow for taking any minute I had with him for granted. I can relate a lot to Charlie, Bella's dad at this time also because when my Grandpa died it was like how Charlie felt every time he looked at Bella without Edward, when he looked in her eyes he saw sadness and despair, much like the pain in my dads eyes. Loosing someone you love is a heartbreaking experience, and although Edward isn't dad it feels like it to Bella. On a happier note Bella is now passing her time by hanging out with Jacob Black. Jacob has become her security blanket. I believe Jacob is a symbol of home and safeness, much like a stuffed animal, or a special blanket is to me and many of my friends. Jacob is a reminder of easier times in Bella's childhood as well. I predict that Jacob and Bella will have a falling out, leaving Bella depressed. Also a part of me hopes that somehow Edward will return to Bella, if he doesn't I don't know if I will be able to continue to read, it is so depressing.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sunday Blog THREE
The Trio of Triceratops went to the Tri-city area to sing in a trio. They rode their tricycles there, and once they got they got the the tri-city everyone was standing in triangle formations. Without warning the tripods came into the city in groups of three, the triplets were here to take over the tri-state! In the end the Triceratopses lived and the tri-state was saved.
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