Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Qt.3 Outside Reading TWO

Today I read a short story in Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II called Good Night Dad by Luken Grace. The struggle in this story was about a boy who lost his dad the night before he could not bring himself to telll his dad he loved him, but really wanted to and instead said goodnight dad. Lucken has to now live the rest of his life with the regret of not saying I love you to his dad. I think that in time Lucken allowed himself to not be angry about not saying I love you too his dad because he realized life is not about what you say it is about how you act. This story really instrated the idea that actions speak louder than words. Lucken always helped his dad, told him he was the coolest guy he knew, and loved to hang out with him more than his friends. I think through those actions he expressed his love for his dad. Also to overcome soemthing as tragic as the death of his dad Lucken had to stay close with the people he did have in his life, and remeber the good times he had with his dad. In the end of the story Lucken said his dad was now in heaven with God, showing that he had a higher power to lean on, he also said to his brother God wanted dad with him and basically that the two of them should not be angry about that. The death of his dad was tragic but Lucken ajusted his life and had eventually had to forgive himself for not saying I love you the night before he died. In conclusion this story illustrated a few good points to me, actions speak louder than words, and to lean on others in time of need.

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