Sunday, October 5, 2008

Outside Reading #1

This week i read an Article in Zephyrus titled The 5 Manliest and Girliest Things, this article was written by Tony Quattrini. This article stated that the five manliest things are fighting, hair, grilling, lumberjacks, and stealing. The five girliest things were tight jeans, feelings, high voices, Disney Channel, and the color pink. As i read i decided I agree with all the manly things, and think this list is on point for the men because a mann wrote it. On the other hand i thought the girl list was a little off and way more generic, and this i believe is because again a man wrote the article. This article was fun interesting and kept me in tuned the entire time, i love to read Zephyrus.


Ansley said...

i agree this article was right on for the guys but not so much for the girls!

Ms. Roehl said...

I have really enjoyed all of your outside reading posts.